Are you a literacy instructor?
- AutoTutor-ARC is free and ready-to-use tutoring tool for adult reading comprehension.
- You can have access to your own custom course with 6 lessons built in!
- To get access to AutoTutor-ARC for you and your students, click the button below.
- To register as an ARC teacher, click here. After signing up, you will be able to enroll in the digital lessons we have created. If you are interested in demoing Autotutor, click here.
AutoTutor is a unique and accessible tutoring resource that simulates a learning environment with a tutor (Ben) and a peer (Cristina). In this environment, Ben and Cristina are avatars with artificial intelligence that (1) engage a learner in conversation to facilitate the learning process and (2) adapt to the learner's performance.
With this structure, AutoTutor offers learners 6 lessons covering
- Word and sentence meanings.
- Stories and informational texts
- Digital media.
AutoTutor lets teachers watch students' progress, a roster, and have access to a messaging system.